September 2019 Open House Dates

August 29, 2019 by Vascular Experts

Put your vein care in the hands of board-certified vascular experts.

We offer FREE screenings for the following dates and locations:

Norwalk Office:
Tuesday, September 10th
Wednesday, September 25th

148 East Avenue, Suite 1E
Norwalk, CT 06851

Stamford Office:
Thursday, September 19th

215 Stillwater Ave., Unit A
Stamfrd, CT 06902

Held by Amy Cimminello, PA-C

Please RSVP to 203-855-0167


Symptoms of unhealthy veins:

• Discomfort
• Bulging veins
• Achiness and heaviness
• Ugly blue vessels
• Swelling
• Burning pain
• Itching
• Throbbing